HDL Lecture by Yuji Takahashi
PUBLISHED ON 2016.07.13

レクチャーは伝統的な木工技術である「指物」についての解説から始まり、高橋氏がどういった経緯で家具職人になり、広島での活動をスタートさせたのかをお話頂きました。また実物をお持ちいただいた「lo lo stool」を含めた代表作を紹介しながら、様々な人と出会いから作品が生まれてきた様子をお話頂きました。
The third guest of HDL Lecture was Yuji Takahashi of sasimonokagu takahashi. He is based in Hiroshima since 2010 and runs his studio/showroom "chigiri" and gallery space "tetoma". His work is recognized and widely exhibited in and outside Japan.
Mr. Takahashi started his talk by explaining about SASIMONO, the traditional Japanese wood joint technique that he utilize in his furniture. He also talked about how he became a craftman and started his studio in Hiroshima. As an example of his work, Mr Takahashi's "lo lo stool" was brought to the lecture to explain how his work is influenced by other designers.
Mr Takahashi also brought and show us his tools and explain the importance of "making tools." It was fascinating story for students who are not familiar with woodcraft. After the lecture, many participants had a chance to feel beauty of wood through planing wood with canna.